Project SunShine

June 18, 2023

With Mango Season 2023 wrapped-up, eyes are on coming years! We at @ShreevaliAgro, ensure best produce is made available for our Global Clients.

For our upcoming projects related to #Portable #MangoPlantation and #Agriculture #Supplychain #Infrastructure, team visited the Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Dist-Sindhudurg. Also had privilege to meet #senior #professors from DR . BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, DAPOLI, DIST. RATNAGIRI.

We take pride in #Learning and #Sharing with regards to various touch-points of our business.

We have embarked on #Project #SunShine. More details to follow in upcoming threads. Till then we leave you with moments of our visit to Sub-Centre. Happy to see so many ongoing #ResearchProject!

A BIG #ShoutOut to our #LightHouses Dr. Syed Ismail and Dr. Sandeep Jain.

#ShreevaliAgro #Project #SunShine #Alphonso #MangoSeason2024 #Preparation #SeasonNext #AgriResearch

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